Open Water Scuba Diver Certification price of $350 is all inclusive.

Refresher Training

Online   Feb 15, 2021

diving certification refresher

Been a while since you have gone diving?

We strongly recommend that you take a refresher course from The Dive Shop if you have been away from diving for 6 months or more.

We can help make that happen – for $50 you will complete online class instruction and spend an evening in the swimming pool to be reminded about everything you might have forgotten!

Who is this for?

The certified diver who has been inactive for a period of time and wishes to review the scuba skills and academic information before starting to dive again

Course prerequisites:

To participate in the SDI Inactive Diver/Refresher Course, the individual must:

  • Have proof of an SDI Open Water Scuba Diver or equivalent from a recognized dive training organization


  • SDI Junior Open Water Scuba Diver certification or equivalent from a recognized dive training organization.


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