Open Water Scuba Diver Certification price of $350 is all inclusive.

Computer Nitrox

Computer Nitrox

Part Number:C-EAN Manufacturer: The Dive Shop

SDI Computer Nitrox Course is designed to teach open water Scuba divers how to use Nitrox mixtures up to 40% with the aid of a programmable computer. The class is 2 parts; an on-line portion followed by a one-hour practical application at The Dive Shop where you will analyze a Nitrox gas mix and program a computer to do a Nitrox dive. The Computer Nitrox class is $100 AND…there is no getting wet for this training!

The course is presented in two segments: online and in-person practical application. After purchasing the course below, we will send you an online code and login instructions.

Here are the simple steps you will follow after you receive your online training notification:

  1. Online Training
    1. Log into your personal account at
    2. If necessary, reset your password for login
    3. Find the “My E-Learning” tab
    4. Find the course under “Pending Enrollments” and you are off and running!
    5. Complete the eLearning classes before your Practical date
    6. Print a copy of your eLearning transcript (Progress Report) and your completion certificate and bring them with you for the Practical.
  2. Practical Application
    1. We will schedule the practical after the completion of the online training.
    2. If you have any questions please call me at The Dive Shop at (801) 295-5445.

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