Open Water Scuba Diver Certification price of $350 is all inclusive.

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The Red Shorts Challenge!


Two-thirds of the world is covered in water. Most people on this planet do not get to see the wonder of the undersea world. The Dive Shop has set out a challenge for divers to visit as much of this underwater treasure, not only in faraway exotic locations, but in their own backyard. To love the sport of scuba and to support the diving industry, the Red Shorts Challenge was born!

The Dive Shop considers The Red Shorts Challenge the equivalent of earning your stripes, or in this case earning your shorts! Golfers aspire to wear the Green Jacket of the Masters, bicyclists dream about wearing the Yellow Jersey of the Tour De France, but in the dive world, it is all about our pair of Red Shorts. But like the Master’s jacket or the Tour de France’s jersey, the red shorts must be earned (see the “small print” below).

For those participating in the challenge, a passport is provided to help the diver track and verify which of the local and world-wide dives they have experienced and to have them documented by receiving a verification stamp from The Dive Shop after each trip. There is no time limit to completing the challenge and your quest may be spread out over as many dive vacations as you choose.

Upon completion of the Challenge, you will receive the fabled red shorts (with the Red Shorts Challenge patch), an engraved trophy, and have a plaque in your name placed on The Dive Shop Passport Club Red Shorts Challenge Wall of Fame. Only after completing the Red Shorts Challenge will you feel the inner sense of accomplishment, be an example to your peers, and you will truly appreciate the beauty and wonder of the undersea world.



1. The Red Shorts Challenge is open to any certified diver at any certification level.

2. All dives entered in your passport should be a “Red Shorts Qualified” dive (see the definition of a “qualified dive” below).

3. The passport must be stamped by a representative of The Dive Shop at the time of the dive. The dives are stamped for the event, not the number of dives made in the day. To get the passport stamped, the participant must make the dives and not “just show up” without diving.

4. To complete the passport, you must have at least 3 international and 5 local qualifying dive entries. Two of the international dives can be substituted with 5 additional Local dives (5 Local per one international dive). The Red Shorts Challenge will be progressive to completion. There is a potential for a participant to complete the requirements within a year while other participants may take longer. Keeping the passport in a safe place and having it with you when you make the dives will be good idea. Lost passports can be replaced but may negate the recorded dives unless they can be proven and verified with appropriate stamp,

5. Qualifying dives are all sponsored dive trips from The Dive Shop and local Passport Club dives. All qualifying dives will be clearly identified as “Red Shorts Qualifier”. If the dive is not labeled with this, it is not a qualified dive. Personal dives, dives with other organizations, or dives that are not “qualifier” identified will not count for the Passport Club or the Red Short Challenge.

6. Examples of qualifying dives (but not all inclusive) would be Worldwide sponsored trips from The Dive Shop to Fiji, Roatan, Palau, Catalina (Its California— can’t get much more foreign than that!), Puget Sound Washington, Key Largo/Key West Florida. An example of local dives would be Dive Shop sponsored Pumpkin Carving contest and the Bear Lake Treasure Hunt.

7. Safe diving practices must be followed on all Passport Club activities, including annual inspection of equipment, always diving with a dive buddy, proper equipment for the dives, etc. In consideration to being allowed to participate in the events, the diver will personally assume all risks in connection to these diving events, for any harm, injury, or damage that may befall them, including all risks connected therewith, whether foreseen or unforeseen. The participant also agrees to save, indemnify, and hold harmless The Dive Shop, Passport Club or Red Shorts Challenge, and its staff from any claim or lawsuit by the participant.

8. The reward for completing the Red Shorts Challenge goes without saying. The prestige of wearing the Red Shorts in front of your diving peers one would think would be enough. Upon completing the Red Shorts Challenge the participant will receive an engraved trophy, a plaque in their name installed on the Red Shorts Wall of Fame, and of course they will receive a pair of Red Shorts indicating they have completed the highest recognition of diving! Other rewards for completing the Red Shorts Challenge would include big discounts towards equipment purchases, limited free rental, discounts or upgrades on dive travel through The Dive Shop. More rewards would include discounts on hotels, car rentals, phone carriers, restaurants, AND MORE! The list will keep going and going! Note: Red Shorts Challenge rewards are subject to change annually due to availability.




Apply NOW for your Red Shorts Challenge Passport!

